
Showing posts from May, 2020

How to Export MySQL data to Excel in PHP - PHP Tutorial

Image This tutorial will learn you How to export Mysql data from web application to Excel file using PHP programming language. This functionality is mostly required in enterprise level web application. There are lots of data are transfer on daily basis and manage that into separate excel file. So, at that time this type of functionality is required in web application. This functionality reduce lots of time to take data into excel file. In this simple post we have learn something regarding  how to export data to Excel in PHP . If you have developed any project then that project you have to required this functionality like Exporting Data to Excel Sheet. So we have developed this tutorial, in which we have make simple PHP Script for Export Data from Web to Excel. Online Demo Export MySQL data to Excel in PHP Name Address City Postal Code Country Maria Anders Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12...


Generate QR Code using PHP Library Format Numbers in PHP ( like 1.2K, 3.1M, 2.5B ) Calculate Distance between two location with Latitude Longitude using PHP Free JSON API for News and Blog Articles Responsive FileManager as Standalone File Manager Install Laravel on Ubuntu with 4 simple steps Multiple File Upload with HTML and PHP

QR Code According to Wikipedia, QR code (Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed in 1994 for the automotive industry in Japan. A barcode is a machine-readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is attached. In practice, QR codes often contain data for a locator, identifier, or tracker that points to a website or application. A QR code uses four standardized encoding modes (numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, and kanji) to store data efficiently; extensions may also be used. Installation Install endroid/qr-code library using composer $ composer require endroid/qr-code GitHub Link Here :  QR Code Generator First Download the library and then create a index.php file with the following code in it: <?php include ( 'vendor/autoload.php' ) ; use Endroid\QrCode\QrCode; $qrCode = new Q...

PHP Source Code for backing up Database <?php $connection = mysqli_connect ( 'localhost' , 'root' , '' , 'quiz' ) ; $tables = array ( ) ; $result = mysqli_query ( $connection, "SHOW TABLES" ) ; while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_row ( $result ) ) { $tables [ ] = $row [ 0 ] ; } $return = '' ; foreach ( $tables as $table ) { $result = mysqli_query ( $connection, "SELECT * FROM " .$table ) ; $num_fields = mysqli_num_fields ( $result ) ; $return .= 'DROP TABLE ' .$table. ';' ; $row2 = mysqli_fetch_row ( mysqli_query ( $connection, "SHOW CREATE TABLE " .$table ) ) ; $return .= "\n\n" .$row2 [ 1 ] . ";\n\n" ; for ( $i= 0 ;$i<$num_fields;$i++ ) { while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_row ( $result ) ) { $return .= "I...